I wore this last night to hang out with friends and drink beers at West 4th and Jane in Santa Monica. Do you like the Bowie shirt? I hardly ever wear it (I'm not sure why) and I'm trying to make a point of wearing some the of the more neglected items in my closet in new and interesting ways. As I was digging through everything, this plaid shirt just popped out at me as the perfect thing to pair with it! I've been finding these new combinations more and more and it makes me so much more excited about my clothes! Seriously, if you ever get the urge to go out and shop because you feel like you don't have anything to wear, you should probably just dig through your closet a bit more. I bet there are some combinations that you never thought about either...
Anyway, here's the new haircut without a hat covering it up. It's fitting that I'm wearing my Bowie shirt in this photo because the cut I have right now is very similar to the cut I got when I took my hair from black to red about 6 years ago. Ziggy Stardust era David Bowie was a HUGE influence on me making the decision to finally go bright red. Let's face it, Bowie is the ultimate bad-ass, so who wouldn't want to emulate his look? And with that, I leave you with my favorite video of his.
Bowie shirt: Buffalo Exchange / Plaid shirt: Beacon's Closet / Shorts: H&M / Boots: Goodwill / Ring: Claire's
I'm linking up with Thrifters Anonymous, Transatlantic Blonde, and The Pleated Poppy.