Mixing it Up




Whatcha Wearing?
Vintage cardigan from Goodwill / Altru t-shirt from Out of the Closet 
H&M shorts from Buffalo Exchange / Shoes from Payless / Vintage bracelet from Day-Lab

This outfit is the exact opposite of the one in my last post. I never even considered putting these pieces together before this week, and I almost always wear these shorts and this t-shirt (separately) the same way over and over again. I decided to mix it up this time! I always thought of these shorts as only for fall and winter, but I think I'll try to work them into my spring wardrobe more. They're actually long enough that I don't have to wear tights, so I might as well explore those possibilities! I'll take just about any excuse to wear this t-shirt, so remixing it again and again shouldn't be a problem. Time to head back to the closet and see what else it works with!